Performers Sitemap
- The Quest for the Ultimate Groove
- The Quietest Year
- The Quiet Man - Film
- The Quintessential Soul Concert
- The Quorus
- The Racquets
- The Radiators
- The Radney Foster Trio
- The Rage Against The Machine Tribute
- The Ragged Co.
- The Ragged Jubilee
- The Raging Nathans
- The Rahul Deshpande Collective
- The Rainbow Fish
- The Rake's Progress - Opera
- The Raleigh Ringers
- The Ramble Festival
- The Rambudikon Agency Fest
- The RamBull Rompers
- The Rangers
- The Rap Super Hero's Tour
- The Rapture
- Therapuss Live with Jake Shane
- Therapy Gecko
- Therapy Thursdays
- The Rare Occasions
- The Rascals
- The Rat Pack
- The Rat Pack in Concert
- The Rat Pack Is Back
- The Rat Pack Lounge
- The Rat Pack Now
- The Rat Pack Show
- The Rat Pack Together Again
- The Rat Pack Tribute
- The Ratt Packs Of Comedy
- The Raveonettes
- The Ravines
- The Razzz - A Tribute To The Raspberries
- The R&B Cadets
- The R&B Party
- The R&B Seduction
- The R. Carlos Nakai Trio
- The Re-52s - Tribute to The B-52s
- The Read Live! Podcast
- The Ready Freddies - Queen Tribute
- The Reagan Years
- The Real And Imagined History Of Detroit
- The Real Deal Blues Band
- The Real Drag Brunch of Pittsburgh
- The Real East End Brass Band
- The Real Group
- The Real Housewives Live
- The Real Housewives Of Drag Brunch
- The Realistic Joneses
- The Real James Bond Was Dominican
- The Real Mckenzies
- The Real Meaning of Christmas
- The Realness
- The Real Pretenders
- The Real Young Prodigys
- The Real Zebos
- The Rebirth
- The Rebirth of Kool
- The Receptionist
- The Reckoning - The Music of R.E.M.
- The Reckoning - Tribute to Grateful Dead
- The Recollectors
- The Reconstruction Of America
- The Record Company
- The Recreational
- The Red Balloon
- The Red Clay Ramblers
- The Red Clay Strays
- The Red Corvettes
- The Redd Brothers
- The Redeemer: Music on the Life of Jesus The Christ
- The Redeemers
- The Redemption Hour
- The RedHearts
- The Red Hot Chilli Pipers
- The Red Hot Louisiana Band
- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- The Red Mill
- The Redmonds Holiday Show
- The Redmoon Band
- The Red Party
- The Red Pears
- The Red Roses
- The Red Violin
- The Reed Brothers
- The Reflex - 80's Tribute Band
- The Reflex - Last Christmas Show
- The Reflex - Tribute to Duran Duran
- The Reflexx
- The Reflexx Halloween Party
- The Refrigerators
- The Refuge Plays
- The Refused Are Fucking Dead - The Shape Of Punk To Come Tribute
- The Regina Carter Quartet
- There Goes A Tenner
- There Goes the Neighborhood Comedy
- The Regrettes
- The Regz Podcast
- There I Ruined It
- There is no us
- The Reklaws
- The Relics
- The Reluctant Dragon
- The REMakes
- The Renaissance Comedy Show
- The Renaissance Mixtape
- Theresa Caputo
- Theresa Payne
- The Resentments
- The Reservoir
- The Resinators
- The Resistance
- The Resolvers
- The Resonant Rogues
- The Rest is History Podcast
- The Rest Is Politics - Podcast
- The Resurgence
- The Resurrection of Screamin' Jay Hawkins
- There, There - Radiohead Tribute
- The RetroNerds: A Tribute to Sting & Peter Gabriel
- The Return - Beatles Tribute Band
- The Return of AVA
- The Return of Even More Lewd and Crued
- The Return of Jack Ketch
- The Return of Kenny Vance
- The Return of Little Diesel
- The Return of Murder Machine
- The Return of SLUMFEST
- The Return of The Flock
- The Return Of The Legends
- The Return of The Superwrestlers
- The Reunion Beatles
- The Reunion - Beatles Tribute
- The Revel
- The Revelers
- The Revenge - Opera
- The Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter
- The Revival - Band
- The Revivalists
- The Revive & Survive Comedy Show
- The Revolution
- The Revolutionists
- The (R)Evolution of Steve Jobs
- The Revolvers
- The Rewatchables
- The Rezurex
- The Rhapsody
- The Rhythm of Joy - A Gospel Experience
- Theriaca
- The Rice Brothers
- The Rich Greenblatt and Mark Shilansky Band
- The Rich Guzzi Psycho Hypnosis
- The Rick Holmstrom Band
- The Ries Brothers
- The Riff
- The Rigby’s
- The Righteous Babes
- The Righteous Brothers
- The Righteous - Opera
- The Right Reverend Dr. Dillon and Bob
- The Right Side Of History
- The Rigs
- The Rikkies
- The Ringer Fantasy Football Show
- The Ringer NBA Show
- The Ringer-Verse Live
- The Ring Seller
- The Rink
- The Ripper Bash
- The Risan Project Salem
- The Rise of the BlingBling
- The Rise of the Decades
- The Rising - Tribute to Bruce Springsteen
- The Rite of Spring
- The Rite of Spring/ Common Grounds
- The Rivals
- The Riverbreaks
- The RnB Room
- The Roadhouse House Band
- The Road to Damascus - A Musical Journey Through the Book of Acts
- The Road to the International
- The Roaring 2020s
- The Roaring Twenties
- The Roast of Ivan Neville
- The R.o.c.
- The Rock and Roll Radio Revue
- The Rock Dwellers
- The Rocket City Blues Festival
- The Rocket Man Experience
- The Rocket Man & Piano Man
- The Rocketman Show
- The Rocket Summer
- The Rockett Mafia
- The Rock Gods: The Greatest Tribute on Earth
- The Rock Orchestra
- The Rock Orchestra By Candlelight
- The Rock Show
- The Rocky Coasts
- The Rocky Horror Drag Queen Show
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show Live Shadow Cast
- The Rocky Horror Show - Stage Musical
- The Roddenberries - Star Trekkified Sci-Fi Rock N Roll Cabaret
- The Rod Experience
- The Rodney Block Collective
- The Rodney Marsalis Philadelphia Big Brass
- The Rod Stewart Experience - Tribute Act
- The Rolling Stoners - Tribute To The Rolling Stones
- The Rolling Stones
- The Roll Up
- The Romantic Italian Tenors
- The Romantic Lyricism of Schoenberg and Brahms
- The Romantics
- The Ron Burgundy's
- The Roof
- The Room
- The Room - Film
- The Roommate
- The Room's Hot Comedy Show
- The Root 100
- The Roots
- The Roots Picnic
- The Rope
- The Rose
- The Rosebud Orchestra
- The Rose Court
- The Rosies
- The Rough Cuts
- The Rough & Tumble
- The Route 66 Experience
- The Routine
- The Royal City Band
- The Royal Collection
- The Royal Deuces
- The Royal Family Dance Crew
- The Royal Gala Concert
- The Royal Hanneford Circus
- The Royal Hounds
- The Royal Rodeo
- The Royal Scam - Tribute to Steely Dan
- The Royal Symphony Orchestra
- The Royal Treatment
- The RP4
- The Rubberband
- The Rubens
- The Rubin Brothers
- The Rubinoos
- The Rudicks
- The Rued
- The Rumba Kings
- The Rumble
- The Rumjacks
- The Rum Runners
- The Runaway Grooms
- The Runback II
- The Run for a Million
- The Run for a Million Championship
- The Runner
- The Runnin Pardners
- The Runts
- The Rural Alberta Advantage
- The Rush Experience
- The Rush Experience- A Tribute to Rush
- The Russian White
- The Rusty Nails
- The Ruta Beggars
- The Saami Brothers
- The Sacred Lounge
- The Sacred Veil
- The Sadies
- The Saint Michael Trio
- The S'Aints
- The Salesman
- The Salt Collective
- The Sam Chase
- The Sam Chase and The Untraditional
- The Sam Cooke Story
- The Sampaguitas
- The Samples
- The Sam Raimi 35mm Triple Feature
- The Sandlot
- The San Francisco Scottish Fiddlers
- The San Jose Nutcracker
- The Santa Clause
- The Santoor Legacy
- The Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love
- The Sattalites
- Thesaurus Rex
- The Savage Young Beatles - Beatles Tribute
- The Savannah Sipping Society
- The Savants of Soul
- The Saviour
- The Saw Doctors
- The Saxophones