Performers Sitemap
- The Bobby Stone Film Series
- The Bobfather - Chinese Comedy Show
- The Bob Lauver Comedy Hypnosis Show
- The Bob & Tom Comedy Show
- The Body
- The Bodyguard - The Musical
- The Bog Brothers
- The Bogmen
- The Bohemian Comedians
- The Bohemians - Tribute to Queen
- The Bollocks
- The Bollweevils
- The Bonaventure Quartet
- The Bonedaddys
- The Boneheads
- The Boneshakers
- The Bones of J.R. Jones
- The Boogie Bridge Band
- The Boogie Brown Band
- The Book Club Play
- The Book of Life - Film
- The Book of Life - The Musical
- The Book Of Mormon
- The Book Of Will
- The Booth Brothers
- The Bootstrap Boys
- The Boricua Comedy Tour
- The Bosman Twins
- The Boss Martians
- The Boss Project - Bruce Springsteen Tribute
- The Boston Urban Ceilidh
- The Bottle Rockets
- The Boulay Sisters
- The Boulevard Experience
- The Bouncing Souls
- The Bouray
- The Bowie Lives
- The Bowie Project
- The Bowling Play
- The Bow Tides
- The Box Band
- The Boxers - A Tribute to Simon and Garfunkel
- The Boxmasters
- The Box Tops
- The Boy Band Night
- The Boy Band Project
- The Boy Is Mine - The Music of Brandy and Monica
- The Boys From The County Hell
- The Boys In The Band
- The Boys in The Boat - Film
- The Boys Next Door
- The Boys of Summer - Eagles Tribute
- The Boy Who Could Sing Pictures
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- The Boy Who Loved Batman
- The Boyz
- The BQ's
- The Braden Smith Quartet
- The Brains
- The Brass Machine
- The Brass: Movie Magic
- The Brave Collide
- The Brawl III
- The Braymores
- The Brazen Youth
- The BreakBomb Project
- The Breakdowwns
- The Breakers - Tom Petty Tribute
- The Breakfast Club
- The Breakfast Club - 80s Tribute Band
- The Breakfast Club - Film
- The Break Plans
- The Breathing Effect
- The Breeders
- The Brevet
- The Brewery Comedy Tour
- The Brian McKnight 4
- The Bricktown Compilation Release Show
- The Bridal Lux Wedding Show
- The Bridge
- The Bridge Cabaret
- The Bridge Cabaret - PLUS!
- The Bridge City Sinners
- The Bridge Comedy Show
- The Bridges of Madison County
- The Briefly Gorgeous
- The Briefs
- The Bright Lights of Broadway
- The Brightness of Light
- The British Are Coming - British Rock Tribute Group
- The British Beat 66
- The British Invasion
- The British Invasion Experience
- The British Invasion Tribute
- The British Invasion Years
- The British Legends
- The British Legends of Rock
- The British Rock Show
- The Brit Pack - British Invasion Act
- The Broadcasters
- The Broads of Broadway
- The Broads' Way Brunch
- The Broadway Band Orchestral Show
- The Broadway Beat
- The Broadway - Hollywood Songbook
- The Brobots
- The Brokedowns
- The Broken Hearts - Tribute to Tom Petty
- The Broken Home Showcase
- The Broken Kingdom
- The Broken Spokes
- The Broken View
- The Brokes
- The Bronx
- The Bronx Wanderers
- The Brook and The Bluff
- The Brooklyn Bridge
- The Brooklyn Nutcracker
- The Brooks
- The Bros. Landreth
- The Brother Brothers
- The Brothers Allmanac - A Tribute To The Allman Brothers
- The Brothers Comatose
- The Brothers Doobie
- The Brothers Doobie - A Doobie Brothers Experience
- The Brothers Four
- The Brothers Project
- The Brothers Reed
- The Brown-Forman Nutcracker
- The Browning
- The Brown Out - Stand Up Show
- The Brown Sugar Nutcracker
- The Brubeck Brothers
- The Brummies
- The Brunt
- The Brutalist - Film
- The Bryce Leatherwood Band
- The B-Side Players - Curtis Mayfield Tribute
- The BS Show
- The BStreetBand - A Tribute To The Boss
- The B Street Band - Springsteen Tribute Band
- The Buck City Blues Festival
- The Buckingham Conspiracy
- The Buckinghams
- The Bucking Rodeo
- The Buddy System
- The Budos Band
- The Buena Vista Social Club
- The Buena Vista Social Orchestra
- The Buffalo 24
- The Buffalo Ryders
- The Bug Club
- The Builders And The Butchers
- The Bulkheads - EP Release Party
- The Bulletboys
- The Bullet Boys
- The Bull's Backyard Country
- The Bulwark
- The Bumper Jacksons
- The Bunny The Bear
- The Burkharts
- The Burlesque Show
- The Burlypicks
- The Burnett Sisters Band
- The Burney Sisters
- The Burning Doors - Tribute To The Doors
- The Burning Sky - Tribute to Bad Company
- The Burnt CD's
- The Burque Slaughter Fest
- The Burroughs
- The Bus Boys
- The Buttertones
- The Bygones
- The Byrne Brothers
- The Cabaret Noir Collective
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- The Cabin Project
- The Cabin Readings & Conversations Steve Inskeep
- The Cabot's Big Night
- The Cactus Blossoms
- The Cadavers
- The Cadillac Three
- The Cake
- The Calamari Sisters
- The California Honeydrops
- The California Sound Tribute Show
- The Calling
- The Callous Daoboys
- The Cameraman - Film
- The Cameras
- The Canadian Arabic Orchestra
- The Canadian Arabic Youth Orchestra
- The Cancellations
- The Cancelled Podcast Tour
- The Canines
- The Canine Stars Stunt Dog Show
- The Canterville Ghost
- The Canyon Echoes
- The Capitol Bones
- The Capitol Groove
- The Capitol Steps
- The Capris
- The Captains Beard
- The Caracal Project
- The Carden Circus
- The Cardinals
- The Carlile Family Band
- The Carlos Vizoso Band
- The Carnival Of Chaos
- The Carole King & James Taylor Story - Tribute Show
- The Carolina Opry
- The Carolina Opry Christmas Special
- The Carolina Snowbelles
- The Carpoolers
- The Carp Who Would Not Quit
- The Carrie Zazz Band
- The Cassaday Concoction
- The Cassandra Complex
- The Cassettes
- The Castellows
- The Casting of the Magic Bullets
- The Cast of Beatlemania
- The Casualties
- The Catalinas
- The Cat and the Canary
- The Cat Empire
- The Cat In The Hat
- The Cat's Meow
- The Cats Meow - Saccharine Dreams
- The Cavemen
- The Caverners - A Beatles Tribute
- The Cave Singers
- The Cavves
- The C-Band
- The Cecilia Chorus of New York with Orchestra
- The Cee Jay Awards
- The Celebration of Christmas
- The Celebration of West Virginia
- The Celestial Awards
- The Celine Experience
- The Celtic Ladies
- The Celtic Tenors
- The Celts
- The Cemetary Club
- The Center Will Not Hold
- The Central Park Five - Opera
- The Cetlniks
- The Chain - Fleetwood Mac Tribute
- The Chainsmokers
- The Chairman and The Board - Rat Pack Tribute Show
- The Chairman of the Board - Tribute to The Rat Pack
- The Chairs
- The Chamber
- The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia
- The Chameleons
- The Champ: Welcome Back Show
- The Changeling
- The Change of Habit Tribute Band
- The Chapin Family
- The Chapman Orchestra
- The Chardon Polka Band
- The Charities
- The Charlatans
- The Charleston Christmas Special
- The Charli Parti
- The Charlotte Bluegrass Sessions
- The Chase Tyler Band
- The Chats
- The Chattahoochies
- The Cheap Dates
- The Cheesemonger Invitational
- The Chee Weez
- The Cher Show
- The Chevalier
- The Chewbacchanal
- The Chicago Comedy Awards
- The Chicago Experience
- The Chicago Funk - A Tribute to Earth, Wind and Fire
- The Chicago Hitmen
- The Chicago Live Improv Club
- The Chicks
- The Child and The Spells - Ravel
- The Children's Chorus of San Antonio
- The Children's Nutcracker
- The Chili Poppers
- The Chi-Lites
- The Chinese Lady
- The Chisel
- The Chocolate Nutcracker
- The Chocolate Watch Band
- The Choir
- The Choir of Man
- The Chosen
- The Chosen Few
- The Chosen: Season 4 - Episodes 1 & 2
- The Chrisagis Brothers - Christmas with The Stars
- The Chris O'Leary Band
- The Christi Show
- The Christmas Ballet
- The Christmas Candy Caper